I’ve been writing a bit about the Amstrad NC100 over on mastodon lately, and talking about transferring files to and from macOS as well as experimenting with BBCBasic. This post, which admittedly is a little niche and may only appeal to a a handful of people, is about that process from start to finish. If…
The Blitz
I’ve been meaning to really seriously start learning assembly on real hardware for, well, since I was 15 really, but if I am honest I really struggle – not enough time to dedicate to it I think (that’s my excuse), and I always fall back to the CBM Basic I learned as a kid. So…
XC=BASIC – Strings Within Strings
Following on from the intro and scene setting of my previous post, this is the first in a series of XC=BASIC v3.0 features on various snippets of code and features for my Adventure Game template. The idea is to create a framework for the working engine of a text based adventure game, including most of…
XC=BASIC 3 – An Adventure Game
This is a quick introduction, and the first of what I hope will be many posts/tutorials (call them what you will) on XC BASIC and game creation that I hope anybody who happens to come across them will find useful. I should confess from the off that I am not a coder, and I will…
BBS (Part 2)
Following on from the post a few days back regarding WiFi Modems and BBS access from original hardware in the modern era, I just wanted to detail how and where I connect and add some links to resources etc. that you might find useful. So, skipping the WiFi set up as that was covered in…